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Planetary Harmony Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

As the Sun leaves the intensity of Scorpio Season and enters Sagittarius, we may feel like a weight is being lifted. Sagittarius carries a vibration of light. It is the fire of spirit, wisdom and understanding; adaptable, free-flowing and inspired. Sagittarius represents the power of tolerance, and the understanding to create a peaceful world. It governs the super-conscious mind, and our ability to see things from a higher perspective. The symbol of Sagittarius is the Archer, or Centaur. In mythology, the Centaurs were sons of Gaia; Mother Earth. They identified with the whole; the greater good; the power of the collective. The archer may shoot arrows at the stars, but his feet remain on the earth, because Gaia is the source of his power. Sagittarius is an interpreter, a reader of omens, a sign of the times, a prophet and seer, and above all, a servant of the community. During this Sagittarius Season, the Planet Mars follows the Sun on its path, bringing a dynamic and invigorating energy. This combination fuels a sense of adventure, enthusiasm, and a bold desire to create a New Earth.✨ ✨

November 10

New Moon Sound Bath

November 24

Full Moon in Gemini Sound Bath