Weekly Crystal Sound Baths & Moon Ceremonies

Age of Aquarius Sound Bath

Age of Aquarius Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est

The Planet Pluto, currently in the sign of Aquarius, will turn retrograde on May 2nd, bringing us briefly back into Capricorn on September 1st. We are in the middle of a massive transformation from one paradigm to the next. We are in the process of re-imagining and restructuring. We’re experiencing a taste of Aquarian freedom, equality, and inspiration that will help us to dismantle outdated structures and systems. When Pluto first dipped into Aquarius in 2023, a cosmic dance began to unfold, blending the energies of transformation and innovation. We are entering a time of radical change and revolution in the way society, technology, and human connections are perceived. Aquarius, known for its humanitarian values and futuristic vision, combines with Pluto's transformative force to bring about profound shifts in societal values. On a global scale, this may usher in a new era of technological advancements, scientific breakthroughs, and unconventional approaches to problem-solving. Individually, the influence of Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to embrace our uniqueness, challenge traditional norms, and seek innovative solutions to personal challenges. As Pluto turns retrograde and heads back into Capricorn, we are encouraged to confront our own fears and insecurities related to success and achievement. It’s a deep examination of our goals and the structures that support them, prompting a reassessment of priorities and a willingness to let go of anything that no longer serves our highest good. This could be a period of upheaval and uncertainty, but it also offers the opportunity for profound growth. It invites us to embrace change, to face our shadows with courage, and to rebuild our lives and society on a foundation of integrity, authenticity, and resilience. Ultimately, this transit challenges us to rise above our limitations, to tap into our inner strength, and to emerge stronger and more empowered than before. As Pluto moves back into Aquarius, where it will stay until 2044, we can invite in a collective awakening and embrace a more authentic, progressive, and forward-looking lifestyle. 

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Full Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath

Full Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est

On April 23rd, 2024, we experience a Full Moon in Scorpio, also known as the Pink Moon. It is an extension of Eclipse Season, unveiling a profound and intense energy, stirring the depths of our emotions. The Scorpio Full Moon shines a light in dark corners and activates awakenings. Both the Sun and Moon are squaring Pluto in Aquarius, pushing us to confront the core of our fears and desires. It shows us where we feel wounded. An opposition to the Sun in Taurus helps to balance and ground emotionally charged currents. During this time, we are supported to release unwanted energy and unlock our mystical powers. Your intuition speaks to you with clarity and guides you into deeper states of awareness. You are in a sacred space. You are connecting with your higher senses and exploring the mysteries of life. What is coming up for you? What are you working through and understanding in a deeper way.? Where are you experiencing resistance or stagnation? What patterns or habits are holding you back from fully embracing your highest potential? Allow yourself to acknowledge these things with compassion and understanding. Outgrown ways of being dissolve into light, and the energy transforms into something magical. You are the alchemist. Scorpio symbolizes the death of the ego and the ending of cycles. As you let go, trust that you are making room for growth, renewal, and rebirth. You are stepping into a new chapter of your life with clarity, purpose, and confidence. You are aligning with your true desires and intentions, guided by the wisdom of your intuition. You are healing with love. 

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New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Bath

New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

On April 8th, 2024, we experience a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, carrying with it a powerful energy of renewal and rebirth. As the Moon obscures the light of the Sun, it marks a pivotal moment for introspection, release, and the initiation of new beginnings. A Solar Eclipse is a significant turning point, often marked by unpredictable and unexpected shifts in our lives. It’s an opportunity to start writing a different story. In the dynamic sign of Aries, this eclipse amplifies our sense of individuality, courage, and self-discovery. Aries, ruled by Mars, ignites the flames of passion within us, urging us to shed old layers of conditioning and embrace our truest selves. Trust in your intuition and take bold, decisive action to manifest your dreams. This Solar Eclipse is joined with the North Node of the Moon and Chiron, the wounded healer. Chiron encourages us to dig deep and get to the bottom of any pain we’ve been avoiding. It’s time to bring things to the surface and release them into light of the universe. As we allow the energy of deep healing to set us free, we can chart a course into the magnificent unknown. The North Node helps us discover the keys to unlock a new level of awareness. This Eclipse is a call to courage, Every ending is a new beginning, every loss opens us up for new growth, and every challenge is an opportunity for profound personal evolution. 

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Venus in Aries Sound Bath

Venus in Aries Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

Venus in Aries brings a fiery passion and a pioneering spirit. It’s a wonderful energy for a post-Libra eclipse. As we leave behind old patterns and habits, we step through the gateway of unlimited possibilities. First on  March 31st, Venus connects with Saturn, helping us to reassess our relationships Are they truly supporting you and your full life? Have you outgrown them? Perhaps there is also a financial restructuring or reassessment. On April 4th, Venus enters Aries. This dynamic transit ignites the flames of desire and encourages us to boldly pursue our aspirations in love, creativity, and self-expression. It's a time for being spontaneous, asserting our needs, and cultivating the courage to embrace what truly sets our hearts ablaze. Venus in Aries encourages independence and self-confidence. It sparks a desire for excitement and new experiences, allowing us to pursue what we desire with fervor and enthusiasm. The need for freedom and autonomy in partnerships becomes prominent, and any sense of restriction or inhibition could lead to restlessness or impatience. It's a time for experimenting with bold styles, embracing individuality, and taking risks in artistic pursuits. People may find themselves drawn to edgy and daring forms of expression, seeking novelty and originality in their creative endeavors. This transit can also bring some challenges. Impulsiveness could lead to conflicts or reckless decisions in relationships. There can be a struggle between the desire for independence and the need for connection, requiring a balance between self-interest and consideration for others.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th is a partial eclipse at 05° 07´ Libra in opposition to the Sun in Aries. During this time, we can have whole new insights into relationship dynamics and communication. We are seeing parts of ourselves, reflected back to us through our relationships. Perhaps another person is projecting something you’re meant to see and understand. It could be easy to be defensive or push it away when uncomfortable things are coming to light. This eclipse is challenging you to really look at yourself. There is something within you that’s ready to change in your self identity. Something can finally be transformed and transcended, allowing a fuller level of expression. Any lunar eclipse represents an ending, closure or culmination; a completion of some kind. This is even more emphasized with this eclipse, because the moon is also conjunct the south node. This represents what we are leaving behind; our relationship habits and patterns that are not serving us. Releasing will allow you you step into new areas of potential and growth. Your soul is asking you to be more. Eclipses are the cosmic helping hand of the Universe, guiding you to greater self fulfillment and happiness. You are seeing yourself in a new light. Opening up a clear channel, to reveal and transform emotional patterns.

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Spring Equinox Sound Bath

Spring Equinox Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This year’s March Equinox falls on the 19th, and heralds the beginning of Spring or Autumn, depending on where you are on the planet. The Equinox is a sacred time of balance, a magical portal of equal darkness and light. It’s an opportunity to balance the duality of our shadow side with our divine essence, and to honor how we’ve dealt with any changes during the year. It is believed that the veil between dimensions is thin, making it easier for us to connect with higher realms and our spirit guides and ancestors. The Spring Equinox coincides with Aries Season and the beginning of the astrological year. Aries awakens our life force energy. Aries is brave, bold and fiery; ready to take action. It represents the desire to express our individuality, to activate our willpower and vitality, and to initiate new cycles of experience. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and known as the exaltation of the Sun, the most powerful position in the stars. In the Northern Hemisphere, energy begins moving outwards. Flowers bloom and nature becomes fertile again. We too are inspired to create and blossom, with new dreams and ideas. It’s the initial spark in our yearly journey, helping us plant the seeds  and lay the groundwork for the year ahead.

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New Moon Sound Bath

New Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This New SuperMoon in Pisces is asking you to open up to something new in yourself. It’s the beginning point for a new level of spiritual understanding, revealing new insights into your life path. There’s an energy of reflection, going inward, learning detachment, learning when to let go, knowing when something has run its course. You may experience waves of release and completions unfolding, perhaps bigger than expected. Something is being removed from your energy field that’s been taking up space. Pisces clears it out and takes you to other places, other realms, the next destination. There is a chapter closing out that holds a lot of karma. This is next level energy because of what you’re making room for. What are you committing to energetically? Where are you are ready to trust more? The more you can go inwards, find stillness and peace, be in nature, meditate- anything that takes you into that space of pure presence and bliss, the more you will be utilizing the energy of this SuperMoon. It will allow you to be receptive to new information coming in and focus your energy towards new horizons and adventures… riding the wave of your emotions,  trusting your inner voice and the wisdom of your heart, surrendering to the flow of possibility. Use this New Moon to envision the life you desire and allow your emotions to guide you. Flow deep into your imagination and manifestation powers as you embrace the changes of the approaching eclipse season.

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Eclipse Season Sound Bath

Eclipse Season Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

As March 2024 begins, a wave of Piscean energy amplifies our creativity, compassion, and intuition. The New SuperMoon in Pisces on March 10th sets the stage for a potent Eclipse Season. A heightened psychic sensitivity inspires us to deepen our spiritual connection and explore the dream realm. Use this New Moon to envision the life you desire and allow your emotions to guide you. Flow deep into your imagination and manifestation powers as you embrace the changes of the approaching season. Eclipses bring a new vision and awareness, and a desire to shift. They open new doors by closing others. We start awakening to something different, something new. We go beyond where we’ve gone before, expanding our awareness into higher frequencies and dimensions. If we can approach this time with enthusiasm, generosity, and appreciation, it is a profound opportunity for a new fulfilling life chapter. The upcoming Eclipses occur along the relationship axis: a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th and a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th. We may discover a need to let go of outgrown relationship dynamics and power struggles. They no longer hold any influence over us. A South Node Lunar Eclipse indicates an ending is imminent. This could manifest as a big transformation, but it could also be more subtle, like the ending of a thought pattern or dynamic. A we approach the Solar Eclipse, we may experience new energies that inspire us to step into a new phase of our soul’s evolution. Eclipses are the cosmic helping hand of the Universe, guiding us to greater self fulfillment and happiness. Major shifts are underway.

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Full Moon Sound Bath

Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The Full Moon on February 24 is at 5 degrees of Virgo. Opposite the Moon is the Sun in Pisces in joined with Mercury and Saturn. These 3 planets will form an exact conjunction on Feb 28th. We are seeing thing in a new light. The energy of a Full Moon has the potential to reveal hidden truths and illuminate the path towards personal growth and enlightenment. It is the culmination of a cycle, the apex of emotional energies coming to the surface. It's a time to release anything that no longer helps us to feel good or to shine in our brightest light. The energy of the Sun is in Pisces opposite the Moon in Virgo is illuminating the realm of health and healing. How healthy are we? Are there things that we need to adjust in our lives. We are called to honor the sacred vessel of our physical bodies and tend to our spiritual well-being like a glorious garden. This will allow us to be receptive to all these harmonious energies within us and around us. The moon is trine to Jupiter in Taurus. With this expansive influence, we are encouraged to think big and dream bold, trusting in the benevolent support of the cosmos to guide us on our journey. The full moon is leading us to what we want to create on our own terms. What is in alignment with your value systems? You can let go of whatever is not.

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Full Moon Sound & Light Bath - Power & Grace Yoga

Full Moon Sound & Light Bath - Power & Grace Yoga

Tickets $22 - Friday, February 23rd, 7-8pm est. We are offering an in-person sound & light bath at the beautiful Power & Grace Yoga in New Bedford, MA. Perfect for Everyone - Beginning Meditators Welcome

Enter a sacred sanctuary of sound and light - a feast for the senses!

Every full moon brings a chance for us to release any emotions we’ve been holding on to, and any blocks and barriers to our worthiness. Whatever you need to let go of, whatever changes you need to make, the energy full moon can help you embrace new positive patterns, and to cultivate a greater connection with your Divine light and guidance.

This Sound & Light Bath combines original electronic soundscapes intertwined with the celestial tones of singing bowls, soothing nature sounds, and ethereal vocals, guiding the listener on an inner journey of profound exploration. Light projections offer a glimse into hidden worlds and other dimensions, as you are surrounded by the magic of far away galaxies.

Sound Alchemists & Intuitive Guides, Jenny Deveau & Seth Misterka offer a unique style of sound therapy - Dynasty Electrik Crystal Sound Bath - shamanic sound healing combined with immersive music and technology.

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Morning Star Sound Bath

Morning Star Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The conjunction of Venus and Mars in Aquarius heralds a potent infusion of spiritual energy into the realms of love, passion, and creativity. Venus represents the divine feminine principle, symbolizing love, harmony, and beauty, while Mars embodies the divine masculine energy of passion, action, and desire. When these two planets come together in the visionary sign of Aquarius, their union becomes a catalyst for profound spiritual transformation and collective awakening. This conjunction encourages us to break free from outdated patterns and societal norms that no longer serve our highest good, and instead, to forge new pathways towards authentic connection and soulful union. The Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius invites us to integrate the divine feminine and masculine energies within ourselves, finding balance and harmony between the receptive and active aspects of our being. This alignment empowers us to honor our intuition, emotions, and creative impulses (Venus), while also taking inspired action towards manifesting our dreams and desires (Mars). During this time, we are inspired us to come together as a global community to co-create a more harmonious and just world for all beings. With our collective passion and creativity we can empower marginalized voices, promote inclusivity and diversity, and foster a greater sense of unity and interconnectedness among all beings. This is a time for tapping into the limitless potential of our creative energy and allowing it to flow freely, unencumbered by fear or self-doubt. As we do this, we create a world filled with beauty, harmony, and divine love. When Venus appears as a morning star, it is a guiding light, leading the way through the darkness of night towards the dawn of a new day.✨ This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

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Lunar New Year Sound Bath

Lunar New Year Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

As the radiant crescent moon graces the night sky, and the gentle whispers of the wind carry the promise of new beginnings, we welcome the dawn of a brand New Lunar Year - the Year of the Wood Dragon. This majestic dragon emerges with grace and vigor, embodying strength, wisdom, and the boundless potential for growth. It symbolizes resilience, harmony and creativity. We can harness the dragon's energy to overcome challenges, ignite our passions, and soar to new heights of achievement. May this year be a beacon of light, guiding us towards a future brimming with prosperity, harmony, and infinite possibilities. 

According to Chinese astrology, the Wood Dragon represents:

Strength and Vitality: Like all dragons, the Wood Dragon embodies strength, power, and vitality. It carries an aura of majesty and dominance, inspiring confidence and respect.

Resilience and Flexibility: The wood element adds a layer of resilience and flexibility to the dragon's nature. Just as a tree bends with the wind but remains firmly rooted, the Wood Dragon can adapt to changing circumstances while maintaining its core principles.

Growth and Renewal: Wood is associated with growth and renewal in Chinese philosophy. Similarly, the Wood Dragon symbolizes personal and collective growth, as well as the cyclical nature of life and the continuous pursuit of improvement.

Connection to Nature: Wood is a natural element, closely connected to the earth and the environment. The Wood Dragon embodies a deep appreciation for nature and its rhythms, advocating for harmony between humanity and the natural world.

Creativity and Innovation: Wood is also associated with creativity and innovation. The Wood Dragon encourages creative expression, original thinking, and the pursuit of new ideas and ventures.

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New Moon in Aquarius Sound Bath

New Moon in Aquarius Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th is forming a dynamic square with Uranus in Taurus. This celestial alignment initiates a lunar cycle characterized by unpredictable emotions, a sense of restlessness, and a desire to make sudden radical changes. Anything that feels inauthentic and no longer resonates for us cannot hold space in our lives. This New Moon is a catalyst for personal revolution, encouraging experimentation, and challenging us to embrace a radically different approach to how we navigate and present ourselves in the world. Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac. It’s forward-thinking, expansive energy, opening portals and pathways to manifest our dreams. The New Moon in Aquarius is a beacon, illuminating new ideas and innovative solutions. As we embrace a vibration of openness and willingness, we have the power to propel anything and everything forward. Aquarius is shifting the power to the people in a bigger way. We are finding our tribe, communities of like-minded people, online or in person; building a sense of community and collaboration. And the more we do this, the more we find our power and strength as a collective. With Aquarius energies, we are discovering that frequency is the fundamental principle of our universe. It’s powerful healing and regeneration energy. It can help us to manifest the most magnificent reality. This magic is being rediscovered; a profound, shamanic connection to nature that we’ve lost touch with. Ancient knowledge is merging with quantum physics. ✨ This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

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Crystal Resonance Sound Bath

Crystal Resonance Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

As the planet Uranus begins its direct motion, there is a sense of forward momentum and a release of pent-up energy. This can manifest as a surge of inspiration, a desire for liberation, and a willingness to embrace new and unconventional ideas. There is a supportive stream flowing from the planet Uranus, that is encouraging us to release any boundaries or restrictions. Uranus represents cosmic consciousness; a higher state of being. It symbolizes freedom and awakening. It is connected to our Kundalini or life force energy, helping us to awaken to higher truths, inner wisdom and our higher purpose. Uranus is our future. The Universe is on our side to help us move into a vibration of expansion and liberation. What is your vision? What are the next steps? Begin to build a life that matches your energy; one that reflects a new spiritual awareness. Claim your power and allow your inner warrior to rise. Uranus will be moving through the sign of Taurus until 2026, revolutionizing our physical reality. This is a time of massive awakening on a cultural level. We are becoming more aware of the frequency of our food and what we put in our bodies and into our environment. Uranus inspires individuality and the freedom to be an authority over our own lives and a voice for justice. Taurus is a practical and patient builder, asking us to look at what is important, what holds true value, and what is worth our time and energy. We are weaving our futures into being. Let's envision a reality that's vibrant, abundant, rich, beautiful, and magnificent. And let’s start living it right now collectively. Create some space and hold an intention for the life that you wish to lead. ✨ This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

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Full Moon Sound Bath

Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Full Moon in Leo on January 25th rises during some highly transformative societal shifts: Pluto shifting into Aquarius and Uranus moving direct. With all major planets forward, there is energy to take a leap of faith and get new things off the ground. Leo is the soul fire; bold, expressive, and full of life. It is heart-centered energy, radiating love, strength, and passion. During this Full Moon, the Sun is in Aquarius opposite the Moon, with a wide square to Uranus. This is where we learn to balance the heart and mind through deep reprogramming. Uranus is the awakener, stirring up chaos to invoke change. Uranus liberates the emotional Moon and asks us to see the deepest things within, that are ready to be released. They are no longer necessary for where we are going. This is a time to break through to the next level of authentic expression. To express the Leo light in its full glory, each of us must courageously step beyond our conditioning, and into our own uniqueness. The light of the universe is within all of us, not just a few people. We can tap into our internal power source by being a creator, by doing what we love, and by resonating in heart-centered frequencies of love, appreciation, and kindness. This Leo Fire is bringing you new life and energizing momentum. The universe is supporting you to remove what is no longer valid and step away from what is no longer true. Know that what you want is possible. Feel it in your heart space. See your glowing heart center open wide, radiating infinite love; energy that expands out into the universe opening up all possibilities. With each breath, visualize the inhalations originating from your heart, expanding and emanating positive energy. As you engage in this practice, your electromagnetic field expands, creating heart coherence and radiant well-being across your body, mind, and spirit. ✨ This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

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Age of Aquarius Sound Bath

Age of Aquarius Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The Sign of Our Times ✨On January 20th, the planet Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius and joins with the Sun, bringing deeply transformative energies and profound shifts in the collective consciousness. This is big. The conjunction between the Sun and Pluto will bring clarity to the significant 15-year milestone we are concluding, shedding light on the approaching two-decade chapter of our lives. As Pluto enters Aquarius, a cosmic dance unfolds, blending the energies of transformation and innovation. This celestial alignment suggests a period of radical change and revolution in the way society, technology, and human connections are perceived. Aquarius, known for its humanitarian values and futuristic vision, combines with Pluto's transformative force to bring about profound shifts in societal structures and values. On a global scale, the Pluto in Aquarius transit may usher in a new era of technological advancements, scientific breakthroughs, and unconventional approaches to problem-solving. There could be a heightened focus on humanitarian causes, social justice, and a collective desire to address global issues collaboratively. Individually, the influence of Pluto in Aquarius encourages people to embrace their uniqueness, challenge traditional norms, and seek innovative solutions to personal challenges. This period may inspire a collective awakening, encouraging individuals to break free from outdated patterns and embrace a more authentic, progressive, and forward-looking lifestyle. The transformative nature of Pluto can also bring about intense and sometimes challenging experiences. These collective and individual upheavals will require resilience and adaptability.  ✨ This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

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New Moon Sound Bath

New Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength. ✨This New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th brings an energy of renewal and revival, empowering us to align with our soul’s true purpose and to manifest the life we desire. It’s the culmination of four very transformative years. Capricorn energy gives us the power to re-create our lives, in the way we truly desire, allowing us to cultivate our own unique gifts and talents. This is about doing what we really want to do, finding balance and feeling content. It’s a powerful time to set intentions, to get in touch with your goals for the year, and to launch new career ideas. Capricorn is wonderful at setting a goal and achieving it. All the planets are connecting with this New Moon, and they are moving direct except Uranus. The Sun and Moon are trining Uranus in Taurus retrograde, helping you break out of any outgrown patterns and try something new. Allow this sound bath to help you create some space for inner peace, balance and healing; to clear away any emotional or mental disturbances or blocks, so you can manifest in flow rather than struggle. Open your awareness to dreaming and envisioning, bringing into focus what you would like to create and experience in the coming year. Envision what you desire and expect Miracles. ✨ ✨✨

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New Year's Intention Sound Bath

New Year's Intention Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength. ✨As we begin this year, Pluto, the planet of transformation makes its transition into Aquarius. We can expect significant shifts in the realms of technology, information, science, and power structures. The influence of Aquarius, sign of the collective, will propel major changes in societal norms and ideologies by the time Pluto exits Aquarius in 2044. In this transitional year, we are supported to release outgrown ways of being, so we can fully embrace all of our unique gifts, talents, and abilities. We’ve been through a lot. We’ve learned. We’ve grown. We know more of what we want and don’t want. We are developing the courage & awareness to be more of ourselves, so that who we truly are is fully reflected in our actions and manifestations; and what we bring to the world is an enormous light and contribution. To be a channel of love and light is to live in our highest purpose. This is an opportunity to release ways of thinking that hold you back from fully embracing the life you truly want. It’s time to let go of any emotional pain from the past year, with an understanding that everything you experience helps make you stronger. New faith and hope will renew your power to love even more deeply and completely then you can imagine. It is said that there is massive influx of spiritual energy coming in from the cosmos. We are only able to absorb this light energy if, we are balanced mentally, emotionally, and physically. Daily exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care are all required to strengthen us on all levels. As we let go of everything that no longer vibrates in harmony with spirit, channels will open as spirit flows in to nourish every cell with purpose. And we find that true silence and peace within.✨ ✨✨

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Sound and Light Bath

Sound and Light Bath

Tickets $22- Friday, December 29th, 7-8pm est. We will be offering an in-person sound & light bath at the beautiful Power & Grace Yoga in New Bedford, MA.

Enter a sacred sanctuary of sound and light - a feast for the senses!

This is your opportunity to deeply relax and unwind from the bustle of the holidays with a unique meditative experience. This Sound & Light Bath combines original electronic soundscapes intertwined with the celestial tones of singing bowls, soothing nature sounds, and ethereal vocals, guiding the listener on an inner journey of profound exploration. Light projections offer a glimse into hidden worlds and other dimensions, as you are surrounded by the magic of far away galaxies.

Perfect for Everyone - Beginning Meditators Welcome

Sound Alchemists & Intuitive Guides, Jenny Deveau & Seth Misterka offer a unique style of sound therapy - Dynasty Electrik Crystal Sound Bath - shamanic sound healing combined with immersive music and technology.

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Full Moon Sound Bath

Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength. ✨The final Full Moon of 2023 rises in the soft, sensitive and nurturing sign of Cancer. During this time we may feel heightened emotions and sentimental connections with loved ones. It’s a cozy and tender energy calling us back to a feeling of home. It’s a wonderful opportunity to give yourself some time and space for self-care, reflection, and recuperation. Every full moon brings a chance for us to release any emotions we’ve been holding on to, and any blocks or barriers to our worthiness. Whatever you need to let go of, whatever changes you need to make, the energy of full moon can help you embrace new positive patterns, and to cultivate a greater connection with your Divine light and guidance. Saturn, the planet associated with karma and wisdom, plays a supportive role during this Full Moon. Rather than presenting obstacles, Saturn's influence grounds us, prompting an appreciation for the profound lessons life has brought to our awareness. Additionally, the direct motion of Chiron on this day contributes a potent healing energy to the season, emphasizing that our wounds serve as gateways to elevated consciousness. ✨

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Winter Solstice Sound Bath

Winter Solstice Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength. ✨Winter Solstice is a celebration of rebirth, as the light of the Sun begins a new solar cycle. When the Old Sun dies and the Sun of the New Year is born, the Earth’s Aura is revived in mystical ways, awakening a presence of Spirit, and the power of faith and hope, that our visions of the future will come into being. In the darkness of winter we wait; in the silence, resting and dreaming, slowing down, listening rather than speaking, gathering strength for the season of renewal. Nature teaches us that drawing inward for a time is present in all living things. It is necessary for growth. Winter Solstice is the great stillness before the Sun's strength builds, and the days grow longer. It is a sacred time of rest and reflection, self-nurturing and nourishment. Solstice Ceremonies help us to honor the past year and envision our desires for the future. They are reminders of our inner light, and the Divine Light that guides our way through times of darkness. ✨ ✨

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New Moon Sound Bath

New Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The upcoming New Moon in Sagittarius marks the beginning of an invigorating new cycle, propelling us toward elevated possibilities. Within this realm of untapped potential, we're encouraged to envision the manifestations we desire. Reflect on what uplifts, inspires, and propels you forward in life. Fueled by the influence of Mars, the Sun, and the Moon in Sagittarius, there's a call to action. Sagittarius, embodying qualities of freedom, independence, and exploration, invites us to connect with a higher consciousness, gaining a profound understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Under the Sagittarius fire, a sense of readiness for a new quest, a new calling, is ignited within. This inner knowing resonates deep in your soul as you step into your creative power, unattached to specific outcomes. A harmonious trine to the North Node and Chiron in Aries fosters trust in the alignment of events unfolding in your highest purpose. Aries energy emphasizes self-identity and individuality, providing the courage and independence needed to bring meaningful creations into your life. During Sagittarius season, exercise mindfulness to avoid overcommitting and stay open-minded and flexible. Recognize that unforeseen shifts may occur beyond your control. Embrace the unfolding experience, savoring the journey itself. Focus on the emotions tied to your desires, allowing inspiration, creativity, joy, and love to guide your manifestations. The Sagittarius New Moon heralds a time of potent movement and transformative energies.✨

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Neptune Sound Bath

Neptune Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

Neptune, the celestial body symbolizing spirituality, dreams, and imagination, resumes its forward motion in its native sign of Pisces on December 6th, ushering in a fresh flow of clarity and enlightened perspectives. For nearly 6 months, this retrograde phase of Neptune inspired a profound, introspective journey into the ethereal landscapes of the subconscious. It prompted us to question the illusions and fantasies we cling to, compelling us to confront our innermost desires and fears. This reflective period was a crucial aspect of our spiritual journey, nudging us to uncover truths within ourselves rather than relying on external influences. With Neptune turning direct in Pisces, a transformative shift unfolds towards an outward manifestation of our spiritual insights and inner wisdom. The lessons absorbed during its retrograde interval now serve as wellsprings of inspiration and guidance, fostering a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness with the Universe. Neptune functions as a catalyst for dreams, ushering in sweeping emotions from our subconscious to our hearts and minds. It is crucial to approach this potent energy mindfully as Neptune resumes its forward motion. Under its influence, we have the potential to encounter pure, unconditional love and gain deeper insights into our emotions. By engaging in practices such as self-care, meditation, and exercising patience, we can harness the transformative power of Neptune to actively contribute to shaping the world we desire, taking gentle steps forward and weaving our dreams into reality, one serene daydream at a time.✨ ✨

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Full Moon in Gemini Sound Bath

Full Moon in Gemini Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Gemini Full Moon brings a whirlwind of activity and communication. The Sun, Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius, opposite the Moon, add a fiery intensity to the cosmic conversation. There’s a lot going on. Mars following the Sun has been pushing us to keep going with motivation, stamina and enthusiasm. We are being guided; pulled towards the best use of our energy. Sagittarius is where we are supported in going beyond where we’ve gone before; to move outside of our comfort zones and expand our energy. It’s our ability to adapt to a changing environment and be open to new circumstances. Gemini rules the conscious mind, inspiring us to let go of old ways of thinking and embrace new perspectives. This Full Moon is shining a light on information, facts, communication and the media, perhaps revealing things that we were not aware of before. It’s important that we are flexible and adaptable to avoid heated reactions. During this time, Saturn in Pisces is forming a square to the Moon, Sun and Mars, asking us to check in with what we’re choosing and how we’re moving forward. It’s important to not go down a path we’ve already been down. It’s time to move past old karma and not allow it to pull us back in and repeat something we’ve already learned. Check in with your higher self and intuition. Be discerning and go slow. What have you come to understand about your own energetic power and how you use it? How are you going to make a new choice now to think of something differently, or see it from a new perspective?✨ ✨

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Planetary Harmony Sound Bath

Planetary Harmony Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

As the Sun leaves the intensity of Scorpio Season and enters Sagittarius, we may feel like a weight is being lifted. Sagittarius carries a vibration of light. It is the fire of spirit, wisdom and understanding; adaptable, free-flowing and inspired. Sagittarius represents the power of tolerance, and the understanding to create a peaceful world. It governs the super-conscious mind, and our ability to see things from a higher perspective. The symbol of Sagittarius is the Archer, or Centaur. In mythology, the Centaurs were sons of Gaia; Mother Earth. They identified with the whole; the greater good; the power of the collective. The archer may shoot arrows at the stars, but his feet remain on the earth, because Gaia is the source of his power. Sagittarius is an interpreter, a reader of omens, a sign of the times, a prophet and seer, and above all, a servant of the community. During this Sagittarius Season, the Planet Mars follows the Sun on its path, bringing a dynamic and invigorating energy. This combination fuels a sense of adventure, enthusiasm, and a bold desire to create a New Earth.✨

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New Moon Sound Bath

New Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13th is super-charged by the fiery presence of Mars. During New Moons, we naturally turn inward, connecting deeply with our inner selves. It's a period of self-reflection, a chance to assess our emotions and well-being. However, with an activated Mars during this New Moon, restlessness and irritability might surface. We could feel a lack of control, making it a challenging time to navigate. In the face of these disturbances, it's crucial to remember the myth of Mars – we can either conquer our fears or let them conquer us. Uranus in Taurus opposing this New Moon and Mars is amplifying a sense of restlessness and excitement. We are challenged to to step outside our comfort zones and break free from limiting patterns or routines. This alignment may bring unexpected encounters or revelations, leading to shifts in personal connections and social dynamics. It also sparks inventive ideas, original thinking, and a willingness to experiment; to embrace our uniqueness, and explore creative outlets that align with our authentic selves. Neptune in Pisces is trining the New Moon and Mars, putting some of the intensity we are feeling into a bigger spiritual context. It gives us a higher awareness and understanding, that the purpose of what we are going through right now, is rapid evolution; a shift to a higher state of being. ✨ ✨

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Heart Chakra Sound Bath

Heart Chakra Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

On November 8th, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, begins its journey through Libra, its ruling sign. During this transit, we may seek a deeper sense of connection with others, with a desire for unity, respect, and mutual appreciation. Venus is associated with the Heart Chakra, the energy to openly express our love and affection, and our capacity to give and receive love. In many spiritual traditions, there is a deep connection between celestial bodies and the human energy system, including the chakras. The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is the fourth chakra located at the center of the chest. When this chakra is open and balanced, we radiate love and compassion, embracing ourselves and others with acceptance and kindness. We have the ability to heal emotional wounds, expand self-love, and inspire empathy. An open Heart Chakra allows us to express our emotions and experiences through creative projects and ideas, channeling the energy of love into artistic expressions that can inspire and heal others. Venus in Libra enhances diplomacy and encourages peaceful resolutions to conflicts. People may be more willing to negotiate and find common ground, making it an excellent time for diplomacy, negotiations, and forging alliances. Social justice and fairness are highlighted during this transit, prompting discussions and actions geared towards creating a more just and equitable society. ✨ ✨

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

Falling in the sign of Taurus, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks on October 28th. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow blocks some of the moon’s light. Eclipses are believed to be transformative portals. They can reveal things that change the direction we've been traveling in. They tend to bring up strong emotions, causing us to feel drained or lethargic. Emotional healing can be very powerful at this time, as previously repressed emotions come into our awareness, opening up a clear channel to reveal and transform outgrown patterns. This lunar eclipse signifies a significant milestone, marking the culmination of a cycle which began in 2021. The energy of Taurus is helping us to push past blockages around feelings of worthiness. Taurus is a fixed earth sign. It’s where we seek stability in our lives. It’s where we look for foundations to build upon. It relates to our own personal values and how we use those values to build a life that is meaningful and good for us. This is a time for being in your power and knowing you deserve it; releasing any energy that doesn’t belong; letting go of resistance. As you do this, feelings of confidence and courage, and a sense of adventure, will fill your being. You will open up to greater receiving and inspiration. Allow the energy of this Lunar Eclipse to enliven and nourish you with patterns of abundance, worthiness and gratitude. Allow it to show you what holds true value in your life, so you can set new intentions for renewal and rejuvenation.✨ ✨

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Eclipse Season Sound Bath

Eclipse Season Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

Sending everyone peace & healing during this intense eclipse season. 💜 The recent Solar Eclipse in Libra partially obscured the Sun, symbolizing powerful new beginnings, illuminating our path with the promise of fresh starts and unforeseen opportunities. During the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the Earth will stand between the Sun and the Moon, signifying potent moments of release and emotional revelation, urging us to let go of that which no longer serves our higher purpose. Old patterns dissolve, making way for new beginnings; relationships transform, deepening our connections with others and with the universe. We can have a new experience of who we are at a soul level. We are called to confront our shadows, those hidden aspects of ourselves we often shy away from. In the midst of darkness, profound illumination emerges, shedding light on the parts of our psyche that need healing and integration. It is a time for self-discovery, acceptance, and embracing the totality of who we are. Eclipses bring a new vision and awareness, and a desire for change. They open new doors by closing others. We start awakening to something different, something new, something exciting. We are going beyond where we’ve gone before- expanding our awareness of higher frequencies and dimensions. If we approach this time with enthusiasm, generosity, and appreciation- it’s is a profound opportunity for a new fulfilling life chapter. ✨ ✨

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"Ring of Fire' Eclipse Sound Bath

"Ring of Fire' Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse serves as a cosmic mirror, reflecting our innermost desires and illuminating the path toward self-discovery and transformation. It symbolizes a potent union of astrological energies, where the nurturing qualities of the Moon merge with the vitality and strength of the Sun. It signifies a period of letting go of old patterns, paving the way for personal growth and spiritual evolution. On a collective level, this Eclipse inspires societal shifts, highlighting the need for unity, compassion, and understanding. It may signify the rise of new leaders, movements, or ideologies that promote harmony and cooperation. A “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. As a result, the Sun appears as a bright ring, or “Ring of Fire," encircling the dark silhouette of the Moon. This Eclipse occurs during the New Moon in Libra. The Sun and Moon are conjunct Mercury and opposing Chiron, emphasizing the importance of mindful communication. And Pluto, which has been in retrograde, is now moving direct and squaring the Sun, Moon, and Mars. This is calling us into action. The energies are charged with intensity, challenge, and renewal. We are asked to confront our fears, desires, and unconscious motivations. Deep introspection sheds light on own psychological patterns and self-sabotaging tendencies. This process can lead to profound insights and breakthroughs. In relationships, it is a time to release any control or manipulation, and bring things into balance with honest communication and a willingness to address underlying issues. It’s a profound opportunity for healing and transformation.✨ ✨

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