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New Moon in Pisces Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This New SuperMoon in Pisces is asking you to open up to something new in yourself. It’s the beginning point for a new level of spiritual understanding, revealing new insights into your life path. There’s an energy of reflection, going inward, learning detachment, learning when to let go, knowing when something has run its course. Something is being removed from your energy field that’s been taking up space. Pisces clears it out and takes you to other places, other realms, the next destination. Mercury in Aquarius is square Uranus. This is visionary ideas, activated insights and downloads, galactic consciousness. In order to perceive these flashes of insights, you must be in stillness. Pisces is very connected to altered states; losing a sense of time and space as you drop into no time- into the ethereal, the intuitive the creative. It connects us to the divine. Pisces is the unveiling of our true essence, our true power. This is our moment to recharge, daydream, tap into our imaginations; to set powerful new intentions for the next phase of life. As we move into Aries season, the beginning of the Astrological Year, the planet Jupiter in Aries, gives a boost of energy to forge new pathways. It’s a beautiful blending with this gentle Pisces energy. We can be in sacred space and receive, and at the same time stand strong in creating our own reality.

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey

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Crystal Sound Bath for Cultivating Love

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