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Full Moon in Aquarius Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

We are moving into the orb a Super Full Moon in Aquarius 🌕 The emotional energy at this time is considered to be particularly potent, as we release outgrown attachments and ways of being; and open ourselves up to greater receiving and inspiration. Full Moons are a time of culmination, fruition, more light, more fullness and connectedness. Take this moment to appreciate how far you’ve come. These are magnificent times to be alive. Aquarius is the sign of the visionary, encouraging us to be innovative and adventurous. Joined with the Planet Saturn in Aquarius, this Full Moon is about building community and sustainable systems. As the old collapses, it’s important you don’t give your power away to what’s happening outside of you; that you learn to live from the inside out; to simplify. Bringing it back to your breath, to your frequency, creates an anchor, a center, a sense of peaceful power that can start to feel very sacred. This creates an incredibly loving and peaceful energy- a quiet sacred presence that you radiate out into the world. You become a master co-creator. And even if you don’t know the details of what you’re creating, if you’re resonating in frequencies of love, appreciation and kindness, your electromagnetic field expands. This heals division and leads to unity consciousness. This is a huge month astrologically. It’s a fast moving chaotic energy. What have you outgrown in your life and what is new within you that’s trying to emerge? As we expand consciousness, limitation dissolves. Expect big changes.

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey.

July 29

Lion's Gate Portal Sound Bath

August 12

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