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Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Full Moon in Capricorn is a turning point 🌕 a time to honor where we are in our life’s journey, and our accomplishments. There is in an opportunity to balance work and relaxation. Every full moon is an opposition of the Sun and Moon; in this case the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. During this time, we are inspired to bring these energies into balance. Capricorn is all about getting things done, and Cancer is where you need to take care of yourself. It's not overworking; coming back to your heart, your emotional truth; needing time to move through something; being in a space without an agenda; checking in on your personal environment - family and home; having people in your world who support you and help you to feel good. Capricorn energy supports us in creating a life with a strong, solid foundation. With dedication, focus and patience, we actualize our visions and ideals, bringing them into reality. Capricorn inspires us to work hard, lead the way and quietly build something that lasts, and that serves the larger good. Capricorn, however, is not about struggle, but rather mastery and success in the tangible world. A balance between Capricorn and Cancer energies helps us to find this flow state of reality, and to release the belief that we need to struggle to achieve anything worthwhile. ✨ ✨ ✨

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey.

July 1

Cancer Season Sound Bath

July 15

Leo Season Sound Bath