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Neptune Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

Neptune, the ruler of dreams, illusions, and spirituality, embarks on its retrograde journey this month, where it will be until the end of 2023. This celestial event brings forth a mystical energy that encourages introspection, spiritual growth, and profound inner exploration. Neptune is associated with ethereal realms. It is connected to our imagination, intuition, and subconscious mind. As it begins its retrograde motion, we are inspired to dive deep into the vast ocean of our inner world. This introspective phase invites us to unravel the mysteries of our own psyche and confront the subconscious patterns that may have hindered our personal growth and spiritual evolution. During Neptune retrograde, dreams and intuition become intensified, acting as potent messengers from the unconscious. Pay close attention to the symbols, signs, and synchronicities that arise during this time, as they carry profound messages from the divine. Engage in practices that nurture your connection to the spiritual realm, such as meditation, journaling, or exploring mystical subjects, as they can provide invaluable insights. On a collective level, Neptune Retrograde can inspire shifts in consciousness and spiritual awareness. When Neptune is direct, it puts a veil over our eyes, helping us hide anxieties and unwanted realities. In retrograde it’s like taking off the rose-colored glasses, sometimes leaving us to-face painful realities. The boundaries of reality and perception may be challenged, prompting us to question the structures and systems that have shaped our world.  This period invites us to approach these shifts with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the unknown, allowing us to navigate the transformative currents with grace and wisdom. Neptune Retrograde encourages a deeper exploration of the mystical and metaphysical realms, leading to the emergence of new spiritual practices and ideologies. Allow yourself to  breathe into whatever comes into your awareness so you have the opportunity to release any emotional or mental attachments or resistance, so you can allow the energy of magic, dreams, and light frequencies to transform you on a cellular level.✨ ✨ ✨

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey.

June 16

New Moon in Gemini Sound Bath

June 30

Full Moon in Capricorn Sound Bath