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New Moon in Aquarius Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th is forming a dynamic square with Uranus in Taurus. This celestial alignment initiates a lunar cycle characterized by unpredictable emotions, a sense of restlessness, and a desire to make sudden radical changes. Anything that feels inauthentic and no longer resonates for us cannot hold space in our lives. This New Moon is a catalyst for personal revolution, encouraging experimentation, and challenging us to embrace a radically different approach to how we navigate and present ourselves in the world. Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac. It’s forward-thinking, expansive energy, opening portals and pathways to manifest our dreams. The New Moon in Aquarius is a beacon, illuminating new ideas and innovative solutions. As we embrace a vibration of openness and willingness, we have the power to propel anything and everything forward. Aquarius is shifting the power to the people in a bigger way. We are finding our tribe, communities of like-minded people, online or in person; building a sense of community and collaboration. And the more we do this, the more we find our power and strength as a collective. With Aquarius energies, we are discovering that frequency is the fundamental principle of our universe. It’s powerful healing and regeneration energy. It can help us to manifest the most magnificent reality. This magic is being rediscovered; a profound, shamanic connection to nature that we’ve lost touch with. Ancient knowledge is merging with quantum physics. ✨ This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and to root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

January 26

Crystal Resonance Sound Bath

February 9

Lunar New Year Sound Bath