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New Moon in Leo Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

The New Moon in Leo new 🌙 joined with the Sun ☀️ is activating a radiant state of being within us. Leo amplifies your Light, inspires you with confidence and courage, to stand in the power of who you are. This is a creative new beginning. You are allowing your own Light to be a guiding force for what you would like to manifest next. The Sun in Leo is at it’s strongest in this sign, and the Moon here brings in extra support, determination, and willpower. There is a Solar activation during this New Moon, lighting us up and inspiring us to be bold and take a risk. The planet Jupiter, trining the Sun & Moon, amplifies this potential for heart and love expansion 💜 It gives us that extra boost of encouragement and strength. Jupiter brings in opportunities, resources, invitations. It’s energetic support and momentum. It’s strong energy of inspiration, growth, desire, and action. We have the ability to move something ahead, and at the same time a desire to get clear about what we truly want. Once you have that clarity and understanding, the Leo fire can burn brightly and take you to higher levels of being. There’s something that’s been rising within that you’re ready to fully own, and embrace. This is a self empowering New Moon, helping us to be much more conscious about what we’re creating. 

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey.

July 15

Leo Season Sound Bath

July 29

Lion's Gate Portal Sound Bath