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New Moon in Leo Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

🌙 The August New Moon in Leo sparks a creative new beginning of self-empowerment. The Sun and Moon together in Leo, activate a radiant state of being. Leo amplifies your Light, inspiring you to be courageous and confident; to stand in the power of who you are. This activation is bold, sociable, upbeat, optimistic and expressive. It’s an energy of finding your unique essence and sharing that with the world. You are allowing your own Light to be a guiding force for what you would like to create next. With a square to Uranus, the energy surrounding this New Moon is charged with surprises, sudden changes, and the need for liberation from any restrictions or limitations that may have been holding us back. Expect the unexpected during this time, as Uranus likes to shake things up, often leading to sudden shifts in circumstances or new opportunities arising seemingly out of the blue. It’s important to stay open-minded and flexible, as circumstances shift. Leo is also heart energy. During this New Moon, take the time to reflect on what brings you true joy and fulfillment. The more we can drop into a vibration of love joy peace and gratitude, the more we emanate to this vibration to everyone around us, and to the entire collective. And this is not about perfect positivity, but rather about acceptance and compassion. Own what you are choosing now; your next level dreams. It's time to feel good about who you are.

Breathwork meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey.

August 4

Lion's Gate Portal Sound Bath

August 18

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