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New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

On April 8th, 2024, we experience a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, carrying with it a powerful energy of renewal and rebirth. As the Moon obscures the light of the Sun, it marks a pivotal moment for introspection, release, and the initiation of new beginnings. A Solar Eclipse is a significant turning point, often marked by unpredictable and unexpected shifts in our lives. It’s an opportunity to start writing a different story. In the dynamic sign of Aries, this eclipse amplifies our sense of individuality, courage, and self-discovery. Aries, ruled by Mars, ignites the flames of passion within us, urging us to shed old layers of conditioning and embrace our truest selves. Trust in your intuition and take bold, decisive action to manifest your dreams. This Solar Eclipse is joined with the North Node of the Moon and Chiron, the wounded healer. Chiron encourages us to dig deep and get to the bottom of any pain we’ve been avoiding. It’s time to bring things to the surface and release them into light of the universe. As we allow the energy of deep healing to set us free, we can chart a course into the magnificent unknown. The North Node helps us discover the keys to unlock a new level of awareness. This Eclipse is a call to courage, Every ending is a new beginning, every loss opens us up for new growth, and every challenge is an opportunity for profound personal evolution. 

March 29

Venus in Aries Sound Bath

April 19

Full Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath