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Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Full Moon rises in the sign of Leo. It brings a warm and radiant energy, like the Sun returning after a challenging time. Leo is the soul fire; bold, expressive, and full of life. It is heart-centered energy, filled with love, strength, and passion. During this Full Moon, the Moon is opposite the Sun is in Aquarius, and both are squaring the planet Uranus. This is where we learn to balance the heart and mind, through the deep reprogramming of Uranus. Uranus is the awakener, stirring up chaos to invoke change. Uranus liberates the emotional Moon and asks us to see the deepest things within , that are ready to be released. They are no longer necessary for where we are going. This is a time to break through to the next level of authentic expression. To express the Leo light in its full glory, each of us must courageously step beyond our conditioning, and into our own uniqueness. The light of the universe is within all of us, not just a few people. We can tap into our internal power source by being a creator; doing what we love, what brings us joy; resonating in heart- centered frequencies of love, appreciation, and kindness. This Leo Fire is bringing you new life and energizing momentum. You are a strong and powerful being, and you have work to do now on the planet. You are ready to embrace change, and transform into a brighter, newer you. Know that what you want is possible. See your heart center open wide, radiating infinite love; energy that expands out into the universe, opening up all possibilities. ✨ ✨✨

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey

January 27

Crystal Sound Bath for Deep Relaxation

February 10

Crystal Sound Bath for Cultivating Love