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Throat Chakra Activation - Jupiter in Gemini Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est

✨Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, is moving into Gemini on May 25th, where it will be until June 2025. This is the initiation of a new 12 year cycle. Jupiter has been in the sign of Taurus for the past year, which emphasized stability and security. In Gemini, the stagnation of fixed earth energy is transformed through Gemini’s strengths: conversation, options, and possibilities. Energy starts moving forward more quickly. It breaks us out of limited thinking and opens the mind to new stimuli and information. Gemini is associated with the Throat Chakra, known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit. Located at the center of the throat, the 5th chakra is connected with communication, self-expression, and truth. When balanced, it enables clear and honest communication, fostering a sense of confidence and integrity in one's speech and actions. An open and healthy throat chakra allows for effective expression of thoughts and feelings, as well as the ability to listen and understand others. Jupiter’s influence can expand the Throat Chakra’s energy field, allowing us to uplevel our creative expression, and our desire to cut through confusion and misinformation with the sword of Truth. While Jupiter brings joy and ease, its placement in Gemini is considered 'detrimental.' This can sometimes result in 'too much stimuli,’ leading to indecisiveness, mental fatigue, inconsistency, and a tendency for all talk and no action. We may feel scattered and overwhelmed. It’s important to be adaptable and flexible, and be aware of overcommitting. Stay centered enjoy the ride. 

May 17

Full Moon in Sagittarius Sound Bath

May 31

New Moon Sound Bath