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Virgo Season Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

As the Aquarius Full Moon wanes, we enter Virgo Season, and the final month of summer. We are leaving behind a fiery, bold Leo energy, and moving into a more grounded and earthy vibration. There’s some big transformative energies unfolding right now. Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, is shaking things up. What we value, what we have relied on up until now, is no longer definitive. This could feel very unsettling, but it’s leading us to a more authentic and awakened state; on personal and collective levels. So really sinking into this calming Virgo energy can help us to feel anchored, as we navigate changing tides and our emotional waters. Virgo is detailed and organized, and can create order from chaos. It’s a very clearing and cleansing energy, that helps us declutter, so new fresh energy can come in. Virgo Season is the time to take some practical steps towards your big, heart-centered dreams.

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey.

August 12

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August 21

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