Full Moon in Gemini 🌕 Shining a Light

This Gemini Full Moon brings a whirlwind of activity and communication. The Sun, Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius, opposite the Moon, add a fiery intensity to the cosmic conversation. There’s a lot going on. Mars following the Sun has been pushing us to keep going with motivation, stamina and enthusiasm. We are being guided; pulled towards the best use of our energy. Sagittarius is where we are supported in going beyond where we’ve gone before; to move outside of our comfort zones and expand our energy. It’s our ability to adapt to a changing environment and be open to new circumstances. Gemini rules the conscious mind, inspiring us to let go of old ways of thinking and embrace new perspectives. This Full Moon is shining a light on information, facts, communication and the media, perhaps revealing things that we were not aware of before. It’s important that we are flexible and adaptable to avoid heated reactions. During this time, Saturn in Pisces is forming a square to the Moon, Sun and Mars, asking us to check in with what we’re choosing and how we’re moving forward. It’s important to not go down a path we’ve already been down. It’s time to move past old karma and not allow it to pull us back in and repeat something we’ve already learned. Check in with your higher self and intuition. Be discerning and go slow. What have you come to understand about your own energetic power and how you use it? How are you going to make a new choice now to think of something differently, or see it from a new perspective?✨ ✨

Full Moon Sound Bath


New Moon in Sagittarius🌙 New Cycle of Infinite Possibilities


New Moon in Scorpio 🌙 1111 Portal Opening