New Moon in Scorpio 🌙 1111 Portal Opening

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13th is super-charged by the fiery presence of Mars. During New Moons, we naturally turn inward, connecting deeply with our inner selves. It's a period of self-reflection, a chance to assess our emotions and well-being. However, with an activated Mars during this New Moon, restlessness and irritability might surface. We could feel a lack of control, making it a challenging time to navigate. In the face of these disturbances, it's crucial to remember the myth of Mars – we can either conquer our fears or let them conquer us. Uranus in Taurus opposing this New Moon and Mars is amplifying a sense of restlessness and excitement. We are challenged to to step outside our comfort zones and break free from limiting patterns or routines. This alignment may bring unexpected encounters or revelations, leading to shifts in personal connections and social dynamics. It also sparks inventive ideas, original thinking, and a willingness to experiment; to embrace our uniqueness, and explore creative outlets that align with our authentic selves. Neptune in Pisces is trining the New Moon and Mars, putting some of the intensity we are feeling into a bigger spiritual context. It gives us a higher awareness and understanding, that the purpose of what we are going through right now, is rapid evolution; a shift to a higher state of being. ✨ ✨

New Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath


Full Moon in Gemini 🌕 Shining a Light


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