Mile High Mile High

Winter Solstice ✨ A Celebration of Rebirth

When the Old Sun dies and the Sun of the New Year is born, the Earth’s Aura is revived in mystical ways, awakening a presence of Spirit, and the power of faith and hope, that our visions of the future will come into being.

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Mile High Mile High

Chiron Retrograde 🔑 Unlock Your Full Potential

Chiron is the planetary archetype of transformative healing. It is associated with the shaman, teacher, psychic, and philosopher. Inside each and every one of us is the ability to transform our wounds and pain into a source of power.

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Mile High Mile High

Summer Solstice 🌸 Nourish Your Soul

The Summer Solstice celebrates the height of the Sun's energy and ushers in a season of warmth, abundance, and emotional connection. It invites us to nurture ourselves, strengthen our bonds with loved ones, and align with the natural world. As this year’s Summer Solstice brings an energy of light and expansion, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn provides an opportunity for inner healing, releasing emotional baggage, and regaining a sense of personal empowerment.

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