Light Codes
There is new light energy streaming in from the cosmos, helping us to unlock hidden potentials and activate dormant strands in our DNA. Light Codes are an enchanting journey into dreamlike realms and otherworldly dimensions. Ethereal vocals and ambient textures create an immersive sonic tapestry, delving into themes of spirituality, mysticism, and the mysteries of existence.

Diamond Light Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
There is new light energy streaming in from the cosmos, helping us to unlock hidden potentials and activate dormant strands in our DNA. Diamond Light Codes are geometric structures of rainbow light that resonate with higher cosmic frequencies. These vibrational symbols activate a shift in your energy field, catalyzing transformation, awakening, and the expansion of consciousness. The sound frequency of 432Hz amplifies assimilation of these codes. Known for its natural resonance with the rhythms of nature, 432Hz supports a sense of calm, balance, and coherence in body and mind. Allow the codes to flow through your awareness, dissolving old patterns and making space for a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Diamond Light Codes serve as an energetic "key," to Universal Harmony - a state where all energies, frequencies, and beings coalesce in mutual resonance, creating a symphony of unity and peace.

Full Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ An electric Full Moon in Taurus rises on November 15th. Uranus, the cosmic awakener, is sending shockwaves through the Earth plane, shaking our foundations, and propelling us to break free from old patterns. As you tune in, your inner world is illuminated with new colors and vibrations. You are awakening to a new part of yourself. You have the power to re-create your reality. This is a time to take stock of what truly nourishes you, and to release any attachments that no longer bring stability or joy. Waves of insight, a surge of creativity, or the need for sudden transformation—are your keys to aligning with a new rhythm. Let go of resistance and embrace your highest timeline. Choose to live in the fullness of your awakened self.

Emerald Light Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
Emerald Light Codes reconnect you with your regenerative potential, stimulating DNA repair and spiritual healing. The miracle healing frequency 528Hz is a sonic portal to cellular rejuvenation, deeply attuned to nature’s life-sustaining energy. Infused with the essence of emerald green, this experience connects us to Earth’s nurturing vibrations, grounding us in her potent life-force energy. The 528Hz frequency is not just a tone but a vibration found in all living matter. This resonance forms part of the natural rhythm of life and is mirrored in the vibrant green of chlorophyll—the most powerful healing pigment in biology. Chlorophyll, vibrating at 528Hz, is essential to plant life, absorbing sunlight and creating energy, while also embodying a frequency that profoundly supports the healing of all biological life. When we immerse ourselves in this frequency, we align with the forces of regeneration, renewal, and harmony.

New Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ This New Moon in Scorpio, trine to Saturn, brings emotional depth and regenerative power. It calls for deep inner work—examining buried emotions, facing your fears, and embracing the unknown. In the shifting currents, this alignment offers grounding and calm transformation. Saturn serves as a guide, helping us turn our pain into strength, while providing a structure for the luminous flow of newfound wisdom. There’s a strong sense of karmic timing here. What you choose to commit to during this New Moon holds the potential for lasting impact. It’s a time to establish boundaries that nurture your emotional well-being, to embark on a healing journey, and to make soul-aligned commitments that reflect your deepest purpose.

Violet Light Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨Resonating in harmony with all of nature and the cosmos, Violet Light Codes 432Hz promote cellular healing and the recalibration of your energy field. This sacred frequency acts as a tuning fork for your soul, clearing karmic imprints and dissolving barriers; drawing you into the vibration of divine love. As you align with these codes, dormant aspects of your spiritual DNA come alive, expanding your awareness and amplifying your connection with the infinite intelligence of the universe. Violet Light is the essence of spiritual mastery, linked to the crown chakra and beyond, helping you access higher wisdom, cosmic knowledge, and true purpose. The Violet Flame of pure love - the Seventh Ray of violet fire - is a sacred energy associated with purification, divine transmutation, and the awakening of higher consciousness. Release all that no longer serves you and step into the fullness of your soul’s potential, co-creating with the Universe in a state of divine grace and infinite possibility.

Full Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ This Full Moon in Aries ignites intense emotions, amplified by a Grand Cardinal Cross—a challenging configuration that brings an opportunity for profound growth. The Moon opposes the Sun in Libra while squaring Mars and Pluto, bringing us to a cosmic crossroads. Old wounds may surface as Pluto pushes us to confront unhealed aspects of ourselves, and Mars fuels reactive behavior. This friction can be a catalyst for growth if we resist falling into old patterns and instead respond from our empowered, present selves. Venus enters Sagittarius on the same day, offering a higher perspective amid the chaos. This transit encourages us to reflect on where we want to go and what lessons we can extract from the chaos. We begin to see the bigger picture, rising above emotional entanglements. Although this could be an overwhelming time, if we can meet the intensity with authenticity and mastery, we can channel this energy into creative growth and new outcomes.

Blue Light Portal Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨When Jupiter enters retrograde (October 9th, 2024 - February 5th, 2025), its expansive energy turns inward, encouraging deep reflection and spiritual growth. Blue light codes vibrating at 444Hz, act as a gentle guide into the depths of inner wisdom; a beacon of divine protection and healing; an exploration of personal truth, self-mastery, and the re-evaluation of beliefs. This cosmic energy opens a sacred space for rediscovering one’s inner abundance, unveiling hidden gifts, and attuning to the subtle flow of universal wisdom. 444Hz is an angelic frequency, known for its ability to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. The energy of blue light moves through the ether, connecting the throat chakra, the seat of expression, and the third eye, the portal to intuition; enhancing the ability to speak one’s truth and see beyond the material world. Fear and negativity disappear, as clarity and a sense of purpose emerge.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, on October 2nd, is a portal of rebalancing and recalibration. This annular solar eclipse appears in some parts of the world, as a “Ring of Fire”, a burning halo of light around the moon’s shadow. This mystical ring signals the completion of a cycle and the spark of something new. As we step into greater alignment with our highest selves, we reshape our relationships, and our entire experience of being in the world. This New Moon Eclipse occurs near the South Node, the point of karma. It represents a release of old patterns; a karmic clearing which helps us step into this new, more balanced way of being. Like a pendulum, Libra guides us back to center. The fire of transformation burns away indecision, avoidance, and unresolved emotions. What’s left is the pure potential of a new beginning. Venus, ruler of this eclipse, forms a water trine with Mars and Saturn, creating a sacred stream of emotional depth and intuitive wisdom. A connection to Mercury keeps the conversation flowing with compassion and grace.

Equinox Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The Equinox is a sacred portal of balance, celebrated by ancient cultures for millennia, as the Earth's energies shift into perfect harmony. During this magical time, the celestial equator aligns with the Libra Sun, creating an equilibrium on the planet. Day and night; dark and light become equals. This is a moment when the heartbeat of Mother Earth pulses through your energy centers, offering you the chance to attune to her rhythms and anchor your spirit within the elemental forces of Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Ether. Through a deep connection to the cycles of nature, we are inspired to explore the higher realms and wisdom of the Earth. This cosmic balance becomes a mirror for your own soul, guiding you toward a deeper sense of harmony, clarity, and inner peace. The gift of Libra is the ability to stay centered within your authentic self as the tide of life rushes over you.

Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
This Lunar Eclipse SuperMoon in Pisces on September 17/18th, is a mystical gateway into the subconscious realm. The SuperMoon’s gravitational pull heightens our emotions, bringing unresolved feelings, secret desires, and spiritual yearnings to the surface. With a Partial Eclipse, the transitions we face are likely ones we've seen coming. There’s a quiet knowing here, a sense that what is ending now, has been lingering on the horizon. The energy of Pisces, amplified by Neptune, is intuitive, dreamy and deeply reflective. We are encouraged to be patient with the unfolding process, to surrender, and trust that what is being released is making way for something deeper and more purposeful. A new chapter is being written—one that aligns more fully with your soul’s truth.

New Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
This New Moon in Virgo brings a sacred pause, inviting us to align with pure and earthy energies. Virgo, the healer, summons the magic of ordinary life, and the quiet strength found in clearing and simplicity. This New Moon is a time to plant seeds of intention rooted in self-care, practical wisdom, and the refinement of our daily rituals. As we tune into these subtle rhythms, we are called to cleanse and purify our inner world, setting the stage for a harvest of clarity, discernment, and deep, restorative healing. During this moon cycle, the Planet Uranus turns retrograde. We are breaking free of the past and opening to a higher state of personal freedom. The alchemy of change is upon us. You are the catalyst. Reflect. Repurpose. And Regenerate. The breath and the heart are your portal of expansion.

Pluto Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The cosmic energy of Pluto is stirring, preparing you to awaken to your full potential. In the shifting chaos, a new world is being born. Visualize a garden of infinite possibilities, where seeds of hope, compassion and cooperation are taking root. Pluto is making a final return to Capricorn from September 2nd to November 22nd. It will then moves on to spend the next 40 years in the sign of Aquarius - the dawning of a new age for humanity. We are presented with an opportunity to dismantle and rebuild the structures of our lives, both personal and societal. We are re-evaluating all systems and preparing to release anything that is not aligned with truth. Expect a surge of intense energy focused on power dynamics and the erosion of outdated structures. This is a time to confront the shadows within ourselves and within our world. As we shed the layers, we make space for a new and authentic sense of self to emerge. Trust in the inherent goodness of humanity and the Earth. As you breathe in, allow light from the universe, to stream in through the crown of your head. As you breathe out it trickles down, all the way to the Earth. You feel comfort and support. You are not alone in this journey. The universe is within you and you are within the universe.

Full Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The winds of change are blowing in, with the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th. A collective awakening is unfolding. You are being called to go beyond your comfort zone and to explore uncharted territories of your being. Aquarius is the visionary and the alchemist. Trust that you have the inner strength and wisdom to navigate this journey. Perhaps there are aspects of your life that no longer resonate, beliefs that have outlived their purpose. With gratitude, release these old patterns, allowing them to transform into light energy. Multidimensional fractals of light and sound penetrate and harmonize all levels of our reality. We are being prepared for a profound shift in consciousness, one that will redefine our relationship with technology, community, and the planet. We are called to become active participants in creating New Earth. Imagine a world shaped by your unique vision, a world of harmony, equality, and sustainable progress. Bathed in the glorious light of the Full Moon in Aquarius, know that you are part of something extraordinary. Allow your heart to open to new possibilities. Now is the perfect moment. You are fully present to receive. Breathe in deep and breathe out long.

Third Eye Chakra Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The Lion’s Gate Portal, open until August 12th, allows us to harness high-frequency energy from the star Sirius, known as our spiritual sun. An influx of light coming through this gateway, can awaken and activate the Third Eye Chakra. This energy center, our "sixth sense," is a portal to heightened intuition, spiritual wisdom, and clear seeing. We tune into the pure essence of things beyond limited perceptions. It is through the lens of compassion that we see people and experiences more clearly. The Third Eye is the bridge between your Soul and the Universe. It grants you access into unseen worlds and to the vibration of pure bliss. Presence is when you are no longer waiting for the next moment. All healing and profound experience occurs in the here and now.

Lion's Gate Portal Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The Lion’s Gate Portal opens when the Sun in Leo aligns with Sirius, the brightest star in the galaxy (July 28th- Aug 12th). The ancient Egyptians believed it to be our Spiritual Sun, a symbol of great awakening, abundance, and vitality. The peak of this portal is the 8th day of the 8th month: a culmination of radiance and powerful manifestation energy. It is said that we can integrate the high-vibrations of Sirius into our being, helping us to unlock greater awareness, new layers of our soul contracts, and light codes that we came to this Earth to explore. The number 88 is associated with rebirth and enlightenment. And this year is a number 8 year, amplifying these potentials. You are called to move through this time with your whole heart; to ride the emotional waves, knowing that you have completed your karmic lessons up to this point. The Lions gate portal is your breakthrough: an energetic gateway that allows for enhanced spiritual and personal growth. You are ready for a new adventure. You’re realizing you have wings.

New Moon in Leo Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The New Moon in Leo on August 5th invites you to step into the spotlight of your life. With a courageous heart and a spirit of optimism, this lunar phase is a catalyst for unleashing your inner radiance. Expect a surge of creative energy and a desire to express your unique talents and passions. Jupiter's supportive influence amplifies this potent energy, bringing forth opportunities for growth, expansion, and good fortune. It's a time to believe in yourself and your dreams with unwavering confidence. Embrace your individuality and allow your authentic self to shine through. However, Mercury's retrograde journey on this same day encourages a moment of introspection. While the world may be beckoning you to take center stage, this lunar cycle also invites you to delve deep within, refining your goals and aligning with your true desires. What brings you genuine joy and fulfillment? Remember, this is not about perfection, but about embracing your whole self with compassion and acceptance. By radiating love, joy, peace, and gratitude, you create a positive ripple effect that benefits not only yourself but also those around you. This New Moon is a powerful invitation to own your brilliance and step into your next level of existence. It's time to feel good about who you are and let your light illuminate the world.

Full Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ This second Full Moon in Capricorn is a powerful one, deeply entwined with the transformative energies of Pluto retrograde. It occurs on July 21st at 29 degrees, shining a light on endings and completions, that will be unfolding when Pluto returns to Capricorn from September 1 to November 22, 2024. The efforts and challenges you've been navigating are beginning to reach a resolution, and this clearing spans across multiple dimensions and timelines. A rebirth is on its way, as you release dense energies with peace and acceptance. With Neptune retrograde at 29 degrees of Pisces also activating this Full Moon, we become aware that things will not continue as usual. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn invites an energy of strength, resilience, and stability. You are held and supported. Visualize attachments transforming into higher frequencies of compassion and growth. You dance gracefully with your soul, embracing new potentials and creative forces, ready to manifest a new reality with clarity and purpose. Something new is rising from the ashes.

Infinity Wave Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ The Infinity Wave, as introduced by Hope Fitzgerald, is a 10th-dimensional tool revealed to her through a series of profound visions. This spiritual practice invites individuals to "swim" with the cosmic wave of love and compassion. The essence of the Infinity Wave transcends emotion, embodying crystalline light and purified energy. Engaging with the Infinity Wave involves visualizing a flowing, watery figure-eight symbol that has the ability to stretch, ebb, and flow. This dynamic form can be used in various contexts, such as between two people or within one's own body, fostering a deep connection and transformative experience. By tuning into this energy, practitioners can invite a sprinkling of 10th-dimensional essence into their current dimension, opening gateways to profound transformation. The Infinity Wave is closely associated with the energy of Sedna in astrology, enhancing connectivity to the cosmos and the universal field. It works with the water element, reflecting the idea that water is a unifying consciousness present everywhere, from space to the depths of the ocean. This sacred geometry of water allows for the perfect balance and alignment of "as above, so below," creating an ongoing communication between the light received from the sun and the water. This interaction suggests that water carries light and holds information, making it a vital element in the transformative power of the Infinity Wave. The practice encourages inviting this wave to dance in one's life, offering the potential for instant emotional shifts, deep relaxation (like being rocked to sleep), and a profound connection to the universal flow of love and compassion.

New Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ This New Moon in Cancer and the Sun are joined with our Spiritual Sun, the star Sirius. This star, which is 23 times brighter than our own Sun, is linked to spiritual awakening and discovering our true essence. It allows us to receive high frequency information from the cosmos. This nurturing Cancer New Moon occurs in between 2 very potent Capricorn Full Moons. We are encouraged to return home, recharge, and honor our deep emotions; to create space to decompress and just be in whatever state is needed. When we focus on our own emotional and mental health, everything else falls into place. Cancer is a feminine receptive water sign, represented by the tides of the ocean, the ebb and flow of the emotions. Introspective and sensitive, Cancer is the archetype of healing and nourishment. This is a lovely time to beautify your space and create a comfortable, peaceful sanctuary. During this period, the planet Neptune begins its retrograde period in Pisces. We are inspired to reflect upon our goals and dreams, to re-ignite our creativity and imaginations, and to practice self-care; anything that helps you to feel at peace and grounded; breathing into whatever comes into your awareness, so you have the opportunity to release any emotional or mental attachments or resistance. Allow the energy of magic, dreams, and sound frequencies to transform you on a cellular level.

Neptune in Pisces Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ Neptune is dancing in the final few degrees of Pisces, as it begins its retrograde journey on July 2nd until December 7th, 2024. This reflective transit is bringing us to the end of a Zodiac cycle; the end of an era. Neptune is guiding us, opening us up to divine love and the wisdom of cosmic consciousness; an awareness of interconnection with all that is. This evolutionary leap is a movement out of separation, division, and polarity into unity consciousness. This time signals the lifting of the veil, the end of illusions. Neptune is activating what is unresolved as we exit the Age of Pisces. We are guided to release our addictions and emotional blocks and open to that mystical part of ourselves, to that expanded consciousness. The more we can make this an internal shift rather than playing out in the external world, the more peaceful the transformation. As we become centered, and in alignment with ourselves, we open up to new ways of knowing and we remember our capacity for telepathic communication. We may start to experience mystical dimensions of reality we never knew existed. We are stepping into our roles as crystalline light bodies and co-creators a of New Earth. We can all be lighthouses.

Full Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ The Capricorn Full Moon opposite the Cancer Solstice marks an accelerated collapse of the old paradigm. As energies intensify, hold your attention on creating New Earth. Drop into stillness and focus on the breath whenever you feel overwhelmed. Every Full Moon brings an opportunity for us to balance two opposing energies; in this case the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. We are called to balance work and relaxation. Where do you need to take care of yourself? How can you come back to your heart, your emotional truth? Perhaps you need time to move through something; to be in a space without an agenda. Venus in Cancer helps us to create a cozy and secure sanctuary. During the Full Moon, Neptune is squaring the Sun & Moon. What is dissolving, falling away, no longer relevant? What is leaving your life and what is emerging? This release may feel cathartic and intense as your Spirit is cleansed and lifted. When the dust finally settles, what has stood the test of time will be revealed, allowing you to shift attention from what’s been falling away, towards what you would like to create. The gift of life is to move through the adventure that it brings, and to keep opening ourselves up to new experiences, ideas, and ways of seeing things. There is a softness to be found when we’re able to surrender and admit that we don’t need to have all the answers. There is a peace that follows when we’re able to forgive ourselves for all the things we did not know. Wherever we find ourselves, whatever comes up, if we can let go of the seriousness of it all, we can welcome the idea that we are simply on an adventure of learning and experiencing. Even just the intention that we want to live a life of joy, love, and peace will magnetize those experiences towards us.

Summer Solstice Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨ The Summer Solstice celebrates the height of the Sun's energy and ushers in a season of warmth, abundance, and emotional connection. It invites us to nurture ourselves, strengthen our bonds with loved ones, and align with the natural world. During this time, the Sun enters the nurturing embrace of Cancer, a feminine receptive water sign. Like the tides of the ocean, Cancer represents the ebb and flow of our emotions. It symbolizes the archetype of home, healing, and nourishment. Take this opportunity to reflect on what truly nourishes your soul. What brings you a sense of safety and belonging? Allow yourself to be comforted and find solace in the warmth of your roots, your ancestors, and your soul family. Cancer is also known for its sensitivity, intuition, and protective nature. During the Summer Solstice, the veil between worlds becomes easier to penetrate, opening a gateway to connect with nature spirits and tap into the planet's incredible healing energies. It's a moment when we truly feel our deep connection to Mother Earth. Standing or walking with your bare feet on the earth is a deeply replenishing practice. The Moon in Sagittarius at this time amplifies this psychic sensitivity and awareness. It stirs a desire to transcend the mundane aspects of daily life, encouraging us to seek out novel experiences and broaden our horizons and perceptions through philosophical or metaphysical exploration.

Myth of Sedna Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨Sedna is a dwarf planet in the far reaches beyond our galaxy, with an 11,400 year cycle around the Sun. Discovered in 2003, she represents deep transformation, spiritual awakening, and the healing of deep wounds. In Mythology, Sedna was the Inuit Goddess of the Sea. Betrayed by her father, she embarked on a healing journey to become ruler of the oceans. Sedna recently entered Gemini, where she will remain for 40 years. This once-in-a-lifetime transit brings an alchemical energy to the realms of thought and communication. We are reprogramming how our brains work, expanding our intuitive abilities, and learning to read energetic fields. A trine to Pluto in Aquarius activates quantum jumping and third eye opening. There will be breakthroughs in healing technologies, science, engineering, medicine, aviation and AI. This trine supports healing within communities and social groups, promoting unity and collective efforts to address and solve common problems. We are exploring the depths of the oceans; discovering new species and hidden structures. We are discovering that water is consciousness; a dynamic, sentient entity that embodies and transmits the essence of life itself. Within each molecule of H2O, there lies an intricate tapestry of awareness, a conduit for the universal mind to express and reflect upon its own existence. Water, with its capacity to remember, respond, and transform, acts as a mirror to the cosmos, capturing the vibrations of intention and emotion. As we explore this elemental consciousness, we uncover a profound interconnectedness, intertwining our individual spirits with the vast, boundless sea of collective awareness. This realization calls us to honor and revere water, not merely as a resource but as a sacred vessel of universal wisdom and a living testament to the unity of all that is.

New Moon Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨June 2024 brings a surge of Gemini energy, with 5 Planets in this mutable air sign; Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. Represented by the twins, Gemini embodies the interplay between the material and spiritual realms. Within this cosmic dance between the heart and mind, we find liberation, clarity, and a profound connection to the vast wisdom that resides within and around us. Gemini is a creative force; a constant re-imagining of reality; a quick-moving and free-spirited energy. This New Moon brings an opportunity to weave new intentions for self-expression, and to expand our perceptions of what we believe is possible. This is part of our evolution; realizing we are not ruled by our minds. We are the masters. As we allow our thoughts to soar, our imaginations flourish and blossom with possibility. This is a time to be flexible and adaptable, to move with the changing winds of multidimensionality. Gemini, the messenger, brings new ideas and ways of being to our awareness. A creative flurry inspires a sense of adventure, freedom, hope and abundance. We are given a choice to live every moment as if we have chosen it; to search for the deeper meaning and to understand the lesson. If we become distracted, we can choose to drop into stillness; to become the breath of spaciousness. With Venus in Gemini, we are inspired to celebrate and appreciate the love that is already present in our lives. If you're seeking love, now is an ideal moment to set clear intentions about the kind of partner you want to attract. Ensure your desires and actions are in harmony. Often, we believe we want something, but our actions suggest otherwise. Aligning your intentions with your actions can significantly enhance your ability to manifest love during this New Moon.

Throat Chakra Activation - Jupiter in Gemini Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, is moving into Gemini on May 25th, where it will be until June 2025. This is the initiation of a new 12 year cycle. Jupiter has been in the sign of Taurus for the past year, which emphasized stability and security. In Gemini, the stagnation of fixed earth energy is transformed through Gemini’s strengths: conversation, options, and possibilities. Energy starts moving forward more quickly. It breaks us out of limited thinking and opens the mind to new stimuli and information. Gemini is associated with the Throat Chakra, known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit. Located at the center of the throat, the 5th chakra is connected with communication, self-expression, and truth. When balanced, it enables clear and honest communication, fostering a sense of confidence and integrity in one's speech and actions. An open and healthy throat chakra allows for effective expression of thoughts and feelings, as well as the ability to listen and understand others. Jupiter’s influence can expand the Throat Chakra’s energy field, allowing us to uplevel our creative expression, and our desire to cut through confusion and misinformation with the sword of Truth. While Jupiter brings joy and ease, its placement in Gemini is considered 'detrimental.' This can sometimes result in 'too much stimuli,’ leading to indecisiveness, mental fatigue, inconsistency, and a tendency for all talk and no action. We may feel scattered and overwhelmed. It’s important to be adaptable and flexible, and be aware of overcommitting. Stay centered enjoy the ride.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd brings expansion and illumination. It lights a spark within your soul - a quest for truth, wisdom, and personal growth. The fiery energy of the Archer, calls you to embrace your inner explorer. This is a time to break free from the mundane, to rise above limitations, and to trust in the journey ahead. The mystical archer draws back her bow, aiming her arrow toward the stars, reminding us that our potential is as limitless as the universe itself. Sagittarius, ruled by the planet Jupiter, is a joyful, optimistic and playful energy. Where you once encountered obstacles, you may now see new paths emerging; fresh opportunities and new adventures. This is a time to feel lighter and celebrate what makes you feel good. Explore new activities, reconnect with friends who uplift you, pursue your passions, and take time to simply enjoy your surroundings. Set your intention on joy and pleasure, and observe how this shift in focus can transform your experience. May’s Full Moon presents an opportunity for all of us to level up, if we're ready to take the leap. You may encounter a new opportunity or see something from our past finally come to fruition. Neptune, the planet of dreams, is offering support to help you realize your dreams. A surge of creative energy offers new perspectives on the world around you.

528Hz Love Frequency Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨528Hz is often referred to as the "Love Frequency" or the "Miracle Tone." One of the Healing Codes, this frequency can induce feelings of love, peace, and harmony and promote emotional well-being. It helps us attune with the natural vibrations of the universe, fostering a sense of connection to the cosmos and promoting spiritual growth. By embodying what we desire, there is a natural flow of giving and receiving. We can channel this tender energy to create more harmony in our relationships and to remove any blocks to self-love. It’s a self-care practice; nurturing the divine feminine; the mysterious, magical sensuality that's within all of us. Affirm to yourself and to the universe exactly what you want and how you are ready to live. Listening to music or tones at 528Hz can also facilitate DNA repair and promote healing on a cellular level. Attuning oneself to this frequency, can help you more effectively manifest desires and intentions.

New Moon Abundance Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
✨During a New Moon, the Sun and Moon are always together. This month they join with Jupiter and Uranus, highlighting their recent conjunction, a rare event occurring once every 14 years. This is a reboot of that energy. While Taurus is typically a very stable influence, the presence of Uranus breaks up old stale patterns awakens a new life force energy. This New Moon could amplify these energies, making it the perfect time to allow for expansive shifts. May is a good month to slow down and focus on what you truly value. Taurus energy encourages us to nurture what is important and to ensure we are creating a solid and supportive foundation for all that we wish to be abundant. Keep things simple and steady. We can only take the jump in frequency if we are centered. If we are scattered, we dissipate our power. There is an opportunity for a quantum jump in consciousness if we can drop into stillness and harmonize with the natural rhythms of the earth. Give yourself a break, be kind to yourself in all that you are experiencing. Rest. Set a new intention, plant a new seed, practice candle gazing, stare at blue sky, and tune into your breath.

Age of Aquarius Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
The Planet Pluto, currently in the sign of Aquarius, will turn retrograde on May 2nd, bringing us briefly back into Capricorn on September 1st. We are in the middle of a massive transformation from one paradigm to the next. We are in the process of re-imagining and restructuring. We’re experiencing a taste of Aquarian freedom, equality, and inspiration that will help us to dismantle outdated structures and systems. When Pluto first dipped into Aquarius in 2023, a cosmic dance began to unfold, blending the energies of transformation and innovation. We are entering a time of radical change and revolution in the way society, technology, and human connections are perceived. Aquarius, known for its humanitarian values and futuristic vision, combines with Pluto's transformative force to bring about profound shifts in societal values. On a global scale, this may usher in a new era of technological advancements, scientific breakthroughs, and unconventional approaches to problem-solving. Individually, the influence of Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to embrace our uniqueness, challenge traditional norms, and seek innovative solutions to personal challenges. As Pluto turns retrograde and heads back into Capricorn, we are encouraged to confront our own fears and insecurities related to success and achievement. It’s a deep examination of our goals and the structures that support them, prompting a reassessment of priorities and a willingness to let go of anything that no longer serves our highest good. This could be a period of upheaval and uncertainty, but it also offers the opportunity for profound growth. It invites us to embrace change, to face our shadows with courage, and to rebuild our lives and society on a foundation of integrity, authenticity, and resilience. Ultimately, this transit challenges us to rise above our limitations, to tap into our inner strength, and to emerge stronger and more empowered than before. As Pluto moves back into Aquarius, where it will stay until 2044, we can invite in a collective awakening and embrace a more authentic, progressive, and forward-looking lifestyle.

Full Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath
YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est
On April 23rd, 2024, we experience a Full Moon in Scorpio, also known as the Pink Moon. It is an extension of Eclipse Season, unveiling a profound and intense energy, stirring the depths of our emotions. The Scorpio Full Moon shines a light in dark corners and activates awakenings. Both the Sun and Moon are squaring Pluto in Aquarius, pushing us to confront the core of our fears and desires. It shows us where we feel wounded. An opposition to the Sun in Taurus helps to balance and ground emotionally charged currents. During this time, we are supported to release unwanted energy and unlock our mystical powers. Your intuition speaks to you with clarity and guides you into deeper states of awareness. You are in a sacred space. You are connecting with your higher senses and exploring the mysteries of life. What is coming up for you? What are you working through and understanding in a deeper way.? Where are you experiencing resistance or stagnation? What patterns or habits are holding you back from fully embracing your highest potential? Allow yourself to acknowledge these things with compassion and understanding. Outgrown ways of being dissolve into light, and the energy transforms into something magical. You are the alchemist. Scorpio symbolizes the death of the ego and the ending of cycles. As you let go, trust that you are making room for growth, renewal, and rebirth. You are stepping into a new chapter of your life with clarity, purpose, and confidence. You are aligning with your true desires and intentions, guided by the wisdom of your intuition. You are healing with love.