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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th is a partial eclipse at 05° 07´ Libra in opposition to the Sun in Aries. During this time, we can have whole new insights into relationship dynamics and communication. We are seeing parts of ourselves, reflected back to us through our relationships. Perhaps another person is projecting something you’re meant to see and understand. It could be easy to be defensive or push it away when uncomfortable things are coming to light. This eclipse is challenging you to really look at yourself. There is something within you that’s ready to change in your self identity. Something can finally be transformed and transcended, allowing a fuller level of expression. Any lunar eclipse represents an ending, closure or culmination; a completion of some kind. This is even more emphasized with this eclipse, because the moon is also conjunct the south node. This represents what we are leaving behind; our relationship habits and patterns that are not serving us. Releasing will allow you you step into new areas of potential and growth. Your soul is asking you to be more. Eclipses are the cosmic helping hand of the Universe, guiding you to greater self fulfillment and happiness. You are seeing yourself in a new light. Opening up a clear channel, to reveal and transform emotional patterns.

March 15

Spring Equinox Sound Bath

March 29

Venus in Aries Sound Bath