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Spring Equinox Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This year’s March Equinox falls on the 19th, and heralds the beginning of Spring or Autumn, depending on where you are on the planet. The Equinox is a sacred time of balance, a magical portal of equal darkness and light. It’s an opportunity to balance the duality of our shadow side with our divine essence, and to honor how we’ve dealt with any changes during the year. It is believed that the veil between dimensions is thin, making it easier for us to connect with higher realms and our spirit guides and ancestors. The Spring Equinox coincides with Aries Season and the beginning of the astrological year. Aries awakens our life force energy. Aries is brave, bold and fiery; ready to take action. It represents the desire to express our individuality, to activate our willpower and vitality, and to initiate new cycles of experience. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and known as the exaltation of the Sun, the most powerful position in the stars. In the Northern Hemisphere, energy begins moving outwards. Flowers bloom and nature becomes fertile again. We too are inspired to create and blossom, with new dreams and ideas. It’s the initial spark in our yearly journey, helping us plant the seeds  and lay the groundwork for the year ahead.

March 8

New Moon Sound Bath

March 22

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Sound Bath