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Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

April's Full Moon in Libra is known as the Pink Moon, and signals a time for change and growth. The Pink Moon’s spiritual meaning comes from Native American folklore. It symbolizes newness, freshness, and letting go of the old. It was named after a pink wildflower, which blooms early in the spring, representing rebirth and renewal, optimism for the future. The Libra Pink Moon is a great time to release outgrown patterns or relationships, to forgive and ask for forgiveness, and to be honest about what needs you have, that perhaps are not being met. At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun is opposite the Moon in Aries, creating the spark of energy for new life, a flash of inspiration, the desire for something new. With Jupiter joining the Sun, this energy is amplified. The Aries-Libra polarity is about relationships, where Aries represents “self,” and Libra represents “other.” With the Libra Moon, we’re especially aware of all that’s involved with maintaining our relationships — compromising, negotiating, and balancing. We are asked to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of others. During the Full Moon, Uranus harmonizes with the Sun and Moon. We’re likely to experience revelations about our independence and need for partnerships. We’ve been on a healing path, perhaps internally focused. Now, we’re moving into balance, acknowledging what our inner journey means for our relationships. Moving into an energy of meaningful interaction, collaboration, and collective innovation. All planets are direct, helping us to move through obstacles with a sense of freedom and momentum. The fully illuminated Moon is a time for welcoming in increased abundance. Libra energy inspires artistic creativity, socializing, giving gifts, and beautifying our environment. ✨ ✨ ✨  

Astrology meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey

March 24

Pluto in Aquarius Sound Bath

April 7

Lunar Crystal Sound Bath