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Neptune in Pisces Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est

✨ Neptune is dancing in the final few degrees of Pisces, as it begins its retrograde journey on July 2nd until December 7th, 2024. This reflective transit is bringing us to the end of a Zodiac cycle; the end of an era. Neptune is guiding us, opening us up to divine love and the wisdom of cosmic consciousness; an awareness of interconnection with all that is. This evolutionary leap is a movement out of separation, division, and polarity into unity consciousness. This time signals the lifting of the veil, the end of illusions. Neptune is activating what is unresolved as we exit the Age of Pisces. We are guided to release our addictions and emotional blocks and open to that mystical part of ourselves, to that expanded consciousness. The more we can make this an internal shift rather than playing out in the external world, the more peaceful the transformation. As we become centered, and in alignment with ourselves, we open up to new ways of knowing and we remember our capacity for telepathic communication. We may start to experience mystical dimensions of reality we never knew existed. We are stepping into our roles as crystalline light bodies and co-creators a of New Earth. We can all be lighthouses.

June 21

Full Moon Sound Bath

July 5

New Moon Sound Bath