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Full Moon Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 6pm pst/ 9pm est

✨ The Capricorn Full Moon opposite the Cancer Solstice marks an accelerated collapse of the old paradigm. As energies intensify, hold your attention on creating New Earth. Drop into stillness and focus on the breath whenever you feel overwhelmed. Every Full Moon brings an opportunity for us to balance two opposing energies; in this case the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. We are called to balance work and relaxation. Where do you need to take care of yourself? How can you come back to your heart, your emotional truth? Perhaps you need time to move through something; to be in a space without an agenda. Venus in Cancer helps us to create a cozy and secure sanctuary. During the Full Moon, Neptune is squaring the Sun & Moon. What is dissolving, falling away, no longer relevant? What is leaving your life and what is emerging? This release may feel cathartic and intense as your Spirit is cleansed and lifted. When the dust finally settles, what has stood the test of time will be revealed, allowing you to shift attention from what’s been falling away, towards what you would like to create. The gift of life is to move through the adventure that it brings, and to keep opening ourselves up to new experiences, ideas, and ways of seeing things. There is a softness to be found when we’re able to surrender and admit that we don’t need to have all the answers. There is a peace that follows when we’re able to forgive ourselves for all the things we did not know. Wherever we find ourselves, whatever comes up, if we can let go of the seriousness of it all, we can welcome the idea that we are simply on an adventure of learning and experiencing. Even just the intention that we want to live a life of joy, love, and peace will magnetize those experiences towards us.

June 14

Summer Solstice Sound Bath

June 28

Neptune in Pisces Sound Bath