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New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Bath

YouTube Premiere - Friday 7pm PT/ 10pm ET/ Saturday 12pm AT

This is the second New Moon in Aries this month. It’s also a rare Solar Eclipse, which creates a ring of fire around the moon- a portal of illumination occurring at the final degree of Aries. It represents a very significant turning point, a culmination of Aries energy, which is trailblazing, fearless and spontaneous. As we release old patterns and stories, we see ourselves in a new light. We are awakening to something different, something new and exciting. We are supported to spread our wings, and go beyond where we’ve gone before. The Sun & Moon are aligning with Jupiter, expanding our potential for growth and attainment. It’s a time to set intentions and visualize your dreams becoming a reality. What is your ultimate goal, and how can you stay aligned with this vision? Slow down your pace. Breathe into the transformation. Exhale into spaciousness. With Pluto activating this Eclipse, we become aware of our deepest desires, fears, and subconscious programming. We are supported to move through cycles of death and rebirth until we are transformed into our fullest potential. We are alive at this time to move into a deeper and more awakened version of our true selves, on  personal and collective levels. ✨ ✨ ✨ 

Moon meditation followed by a ceremonial blessing with crystal singing bowls, original soundscapes, nature sounds and vocals to take you on an inner journey

April 7

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April 21

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